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Telengana Retired Agriculture Departmental Officers Welfare Association (TRADOWA) Was formed on Feb 27th 2008and registered on Dec 30th 2008 by Registrar of Societies Hyderabad vide Registration No. 924 of 2008. The founder President, General Secretary and Treasurer are Dr. P Yadagiri, Sri Sunder Ram Reddy and Sri D. Muralidhar Raju respectively.

Preamble: TRADOWA sets an example of Modern Welfare Association contemplates Social and Economic Security and dignity to the senior citizens and pensioners who constitute a major elite portion of the society. In the democratic set up, it is obligatory on the part of the state to secure them full recognition and enjoyment of rights as envisaged in the directive principles of our constitution. The members of the Association shall strive to the best to win full respect and dignity to the individuals whom the association serves. The association takes suitable steps to fulfill the hopes and aspirations of the members as per bye-laws constituted.

1. To foster the spirit of one-ness, solidarity and unity among the retired officers of Agriculture Department of Telengana region.
2. To strive for the welfare of the Retired officers.
3. To help the Retired officers in solving his/her pension settlement and other benefits.
4. To honor the members who are above (70) years of age periodically
5. To arrange lectures on Agriculture, Spiritual, Health, Food & Nutrition etc by inviting experts and other social service activities.
6. To help the spouses of the deceased pensioners to get their family pension sanctioned.
7. To participate in Welfare activities.
8. The association will coordinate with Telengana Agriculture Officers Association in service oriented activities.

i. Must be a Retired Agricultural Officer or above cadre in Agriculture Department and belongs to Telengana region.
ii. Must be a resident of Telengana Area.


i. Life Member:
A person who contributes an amount of Rs. 100/- as membership fee and Rs.2500/- or more at a time towards life membership subscription.

ii. Annual Member:
In the general body meeting held on 24th june 2012 it was unanimously decided to dispense with the continuation of Annual Membership, and to encourage only Life membershp. The members who have subscribed as annual Members for 2012 will be continued upto 31-12-2012, there after they will be converted as Life Members if they pay balance amount.

The membership automatically ceases in the following events.
i. If the information furnished by the member is found to be incorrect.
ii. If the member voluntarily withdraws the membership or in case his / her demise


As on 30-01-2013, Strength is 157.